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Dark Earth

There are 4 bands named Dark Earth. After seemingly disappearing for 4 years, everything that DARK EARTH brought to the metal scene was all but forgotten; heavy melodic riffs, ball-tearing blast beats, blistering guitar solos & a TIGHT live show.
During the time DE were absent, the boys came to realise that the normal "house, wife & kids" road of life wasn't going to work for them, they needed something more...

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1. Thorn is a heavy metal/thrash band from Texas who released one demo, Midnight Terror in 1987.
2. Thorn is a german progressive death metal band that released an EP called 'Apogee'. Later they changed the band's name to Distream.
3. Thorn is a Polish NS black metal band.
4. Thorn is a japanese hardcore-punk band.
5. ThOrN is a gothic band from Pembroke, Ontario, Canada.
6. Thorn is an electronic music producer and DJ in Melbourne, Australia.

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