Jamie Aditya - Audience Home Page | Musicosity

Jamie Aditya - Audience Home Page

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Jamie is a well known TV host, actor, singer and musician in Southeast Asia.

He is perhaps best known as a member of the pioneering core team of MTV VJ superstars in the 1990s. He won “Best Entertainment Presenter” at the Asia Television Awards two years in a row (1996, 1997) as well as “Best Show” for the show he hosted – “MTV Screen” in 1998.

More recently, Jamie was a judge on “Indonesian Idol”, and released his critically acclaimed album “LMNOP.”

He performs regularly at large-scale music events such as “Java Jazz” and “Soul Nation.”

Jamie has hosted six shows for MTV and three shows for Discovery Asia, including “Sync or Swim,” “Passageway to Malaysia,” and “After 12.” Jamie has also starred in commercials for clients like Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Sanyo, LG, Canon Printers, Telkomsel as well as a few Indonesian films.

He currently resides in Melbourne Australia with his wife and two kids.

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