Hiss Golden Messenger - Audience Home Page | Musicosity

Hiss Golden Messenger - Audience Home Page

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It is with great pleasure that we welcome the great American folk band HISS GOLDEN MESSENGER to our sunny shores this September for their first ever Australian tour.

Coming all the way from Durham, North Carolina, Hiss Golden Messenger, led by MC Taylor will be fresh from releasing their 15th studio album, Jump For Joy (Merge, August 2023) which moves and melts between country, folk, soul, blues and good ol’ rock n roll. You can tell they’re fans of Bill Callahan and The Byrds. And so are we!

They’ve won a stack of awards and even a hot nomination for Best Americana Album at the Grammy Awards, they’ve played everywhere from the big crowds at Newport Folk Festival to the nostalgic West Hollywood venue, The Troubadour. Finally, it’s our turn after we had to cancel this tour in 2020, so these shows with new songs will be ultra-special.

It’s gonna be great to have these guys living in the land of Oz for a week, sharing their magical songs and alt-country style with fans in Sydney, Melbourne and beyond.

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