Jo Meares - Audience Home Page | Musicosity

Jo Meares - Audience Home Page

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The "...melancholia of wide open plains and corrugated iron, caressed by occasionally passing heavenly choirs of grievous angels and chain gangs"
Clem Bastow's description of Jo's single of the week 'I Loved You More That Day' in Beat magazine in 2010.

Jo's first solo album 'A Handful of Smoke' was awarded Australian Album of the year on the highly respected radio show Outpost on 2SER.
It was recorded over 2 years in France, Sydney and Melbourne involving members of Charles Jenkins and the Zhivagos, French pianist Lisa Barel and what were to become his band the Honeyriders...

“Jo Meares’ music is unique with a truly original sound. He is a wonderful singer-songwriter and incredible live performer.
His 3 albums released to date (‘A Handful Of Smoke’, ‘One More Time’ and ‘King Of The Crystal Mountain’) are all classic Australian recordings.
Part Neil Young, part Lou Reed, part Nick Cave – but with a uniquely Australian twang!”
- Vinny Ramone, Outpost show 2SER

“In over 35 years in the music industry, 15 of them running the independent record label Laughing Outlaw, I’ve been lucky enough to have heard more music than most people.
The only downside to that is that it takes a real lot to impress me.
I’d been aware of Jo Meares but not listened to him until his ‘King Of The Crystal Mountain’ album was released.
It’s an album I now consider one of the finest Australian singer songwriter albums of the past decade and in fact it would be better to say that it’s a world class album created by an Australian.
I’ve subsequently heard all Jo’s previous albums and admire them too.
Not only are the albums magnificent, he is a truly exceptional live performer who deserves to be much better known than he currently is. That will happen.
I’m part of the Jo Meares fan club!”
- Stuart Coupe, writer, manager Laughing Outlaw records, DJ 2FBI and 2SER

Jo's second solo album 'One More Time' was made with the Honeyriders and involves a sixteen piece string section, beautiful backing vocals and lush guitar sounds.

All Jo's albums are available for digital download or a hard copy can be ordered through this website. Also limited vinyl pressings.

Jo has toured and recorded frequently in France, Spain, Finland and Germany

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