Dave Leslie - Audience Home Page | Musicosity

Dave Leslie - Audience Home Page

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Dave Leslie is a professional guitar player/songwriter who currently resides in Melbourne, Australia.

He first picked up a guitar in 1973 and has been learning ever since.

Inspired by watching TV programs such as GTK, Bandstand, Super-­ Flying Fun Show, Nightmoves, Rock Arena, Sounds & Countdown, Dave has made it his life’s work to play guitar and explore all facets of music creation.

Dave has toured the world several times, has met and jammed with a lot of his childhood heroes and has had many “rock ‘n’ roll dreams” come true.

The recipient of three ARIA Awards and numerous nominations, Dave continues to write, play and record with Baby Animals and many others, and still finds playing small, sweaty venues as satisfying and exciting as playing the “big gigs”.

Performed and/or Recorded with:-­‐

Baby Animals (founding member)
Jimmy Barnes • Richard Clapton
Angry Anderson
Electric Mary
Palace of the King
Bon Jovi
Van Halen
The Angels
Doc Neeson
Dead Daisies
Ross Wilson
George Spartels
Yianna Nicholas
Steve Prestwich (Cold Chisel)
Damien Leith
James Blundell
Jayne Denham (#1 Country Charts)
Shannon Noll
Casey Donovan
TV Advertisements (including..)

Coca Cola
Boags Premium
Old El Paso
Challenger Annuities • Rosemount
Paddle Pop
Tip-­Top Wondersoft
Medibank Private

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