8 Ball Aitken - Audience Home Page | Musicosity

8 Ball Aitken - Audience Home Page

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8 Ball Aitken (born 9 June 1981) is an Australian singer, songwriter, and guitarist. 8 Ball plays blues, swamp-blues, swamp-rock, alternative country, and Americana music. He is notable for his fusion of Australian blues and country music.[1]

Aitken is the founder of the Mt Coot-tha Songwriters Festival.

At the 2008 Q Song Awards, Aitken won Blues and Roots Song of the Year for "Yellow Moon". At the same awards in 2009, "Outback Booty Call" won Country Song of the Year.[3]

Aitken's song "Cowboy Movie" was nominated for the Australian Blues & Roots Song of the Year at the APRA Music Awards of 2009.[4]

Aitken third studio album Rebel with a Cause was produced by Garth Porter.[5] The album produced two top 10 country hits, "Cyclone Country" & "Hands on Top of the Wheel".[6]

In 2013, Aitken had a one song in the Australian Country Music Radio Charts with song "She's Going to Mexico, I'm Going to Jail"

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